Brahmrishi Mission Of Canada

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Yoga Class Registration Saturday, March 12, 2022

Register for Weekly FREE Yoga ... [read more...]

Chaitra Navaratri Celebrations 2025 March 29th to 7th

Every year the beginning of summer and the beginning of winter are two very important junctures of climatic change and solar influence. These two junctions have been chosen as the sacred opportunities for the worship ... [read more...]

Ramnavami Celebrations Sunday, April 6, 2025

Let Shri Rama be your ideal. Ideals are remembered and adored for the purpose of adopting them in your own life. We love and adore our ideals because we express thereby our yearning to unite ... [read more...]

Message of the founder of Brahmrishi Mission:

H.H. Brahmrishi Shri Vishvatma Bawra Ji Maharaj

Brahmrishi Mission Guruji Photo
Gurudev Ji Maharaj


It is a well-known fact that our inner demand is to achieve eternal happiness and that happiness is the result of inner peace. This is not only the demand of an individual but is the demand of a family, society, state, nation and the world as a whole. Although our every effort is directed at fulfilling this indispensable inner demand but resultantly we are receiving the reverse of it in the form of physical sickness, mental disturbance, intellectual instability and endless calamities. The root cause of all these miseries is the intellectual disease called nescience. Individuation and egotism are the symptoms of this disease. When our intellect is under such influences it is polluted and becomes impure. In that impure state it becomes bound and loses its own real nature of eternal happiness and peace. The Vedic seers proclaimed that all these sufferings and calamities can be annihilated only by living a disciplined life in the light of divine wisdom, through which one can be able to fulfill one's indispensable inner demand.

The aim of Brahmrishi Mission is to teach and propagate Vedic ideology and its divine way of life, through which everyone can be able to realize eternal truth and resultantly visualizing unity in diversity, oneness in all. This will contribute towards universal brotherhood among mankind based on mutual love and service.

The Shri Ram Dham Hindu Temple is a representative of real India. It is not only a place of worship; it is also a cultural and educational center of higher learning. Brahmvidya, the knowledge of the Absolute, is the symbol of our philosophy and science of yoga is the symbol of our life. Our actions and our philosophy, our actions and our ideology, both will be related with the Science of the Absolute and the Science of Yoga.

The facilities provided by the temple are for all those who seek it without any discrimination of caste, color, creed, country or faith. All are welcome to learn and achieve divine wisdom. This will ultimately lead the practitioner to a disciplined yogic way of life and elevate him from a lower to a higher state of existence.




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We are happy to announce that we are able to accept e-transfer donations as of March 1, 2021. Please send any electronic donations.