Brahmrishi Mission Of Canada

REGISTER FOR: Bal Vihar ShivirMonday, March 10, 2025

Children are our future. Hence it is very important to impart to them our Vaidic Sanatan Dharma and Hindu Sanskaras and culture. Sanatan Dharma is not a religion, a faith or belief. It is a way of life which you can relate with your daily life. But to do so you need to understand what Sanatan Dharma is. To fulfill the essential need of this in society and especially in our children, we are offering a Bal Vihar Shivir for children every Year, during the March break. The aim of our Bal Vihar Course is to educate our children in Sanatan Dharma and Hindu Culture. We clarify various concepts of the Sanatan Dharma to remove doubts in their minds and answer all kinds of questions they have. We teach them the Hindu way of life with understanding. If they understand the significance and importance of Dharma, they will follow and live accordingly. For more information on Bal Vihar Shivir event.

Parent Name:
Email Address:
Kid's Full Name:
Date of Birth:
ex: 1-1-2020
Kid's Age:
Have you attended the Bal Vihar course before?
Send $150(min) or more by Interac/e-transfer to: [email protected] or
Pay at Mandir

Emergency Contact Name:
Emergency Contact Phone Number:
Emergency Contact Relationship:
Health Card Number:
Please read instructions I agree:
  • Maintain a prayerful disposition throughout the camp.
  • Participants will be taking the course on their own risk.
  • Brahmarishi Mission of Canada does not take responsibility for anything untoward happening and loss of any personal belongings
Enter this number:
Human Verification Code  


Please send donations to:

[email protected]

We are happy to announce that we are able to accept e-transfer donations as of March 1, 2021. Please send any electronic donations.